With an open mindset, you are receptive to what will be. With a closed mindset, you’ve already decided on the outcome or how something will be.
One example of a closed mindset is you believe you will lose. How does this affect your play?
You may:
Give less energy and effort
Say mean things to yourself
Put your opponent(s) on a pedestal
Quit easily
Avoid taking risks
This clearly isn’t how you want to show up during competition.
Another example of a closed mindset is believing you will win easily. How does this affect your play?
You may:
Underestimate your opponent(s)
Be too relaxed
Miss opportunities to build strategy
Think about the next competition rather than being present
This also won’t allow you to perform at your best.
So, what does an open mindset look like?
Taking each moment seriously
Staying present
Having balanced beliefs about your opponent(s)
Giving full effort and energy
Being flexible for what may come up in competition
Approach each competition with an open mindset to perform at your best!
Want to better understand your own mindset? Therapy can help!